February 4, 2017, at 10:30 a.m.
La Maison des Amériques Latines. Paris
Peru: The Masters of Gold
Whether for divine or political adornments, functional or purely symbolic objects, jewelry has captivated some of the most influential figures in ancient Peru. The goldsmiths from the Chavin, Vicus, Mochica, Lambayeque, and Chimu cultures played a crucial role in the development of great pre-Columbian civilizations. Their creations—ranging from the mysticism of the "jewelers of the gods" to groundbreaking modern styles—were exclusively crafted for an enlightened political elite. These treasures provide a captivating insight into the evolution of taste, as well as the socio-political and religious codes that shaped the lives of those who devoted themselves to molding gold, silver, and their alloys for over 2,500 years.
Beliefs and Religion in Ancient Peru
In ancient Peru, religion was central to rituals and significant ceremonies, with the principal deities of the Andean world influencing the activities of pre-Columbian societies. For over 5,000 years, rituals enabled pre-Inca cultures to connect with other realms. Carole Fraresso illustrates how these societies articulated their beliefs through a selection of archaeological artifacts, showcasing how their leaders legitimized divine power through the representation of sacred animals.
La Maison des Amériques Latines - 3 rue Cassette, 75006 Paris (M° St Sulpice)